Friday, November 26, 2010

So here I am.

Darwin here.  Having seen my friend Izzie's blog, and figuring I'm at least as smart as he is, I demanded my own blog.  I need a vehicle for expressing my innermost feelings.  And for setting the record straight about the little upstart with whom I'm forced to share my space - a rat-tailed little annoyance named Simpson.

My people and I moved to a new house a month or so ago - and darned if that little cur didn't follow us.  Anyhow, we've got a nice yard with a redwood fence around it, although I'm not so pleased about the red decorative gravel.  No dusty ground to roll around on.  It's a quiet neighborhood, but still the occassional passer-by, some with dogs, to bark at.  I usually just tuck myself into a corner and take the sun, but Simpson hops up on one of the two tables and sits there like he was the Sphinx or something.

By the way, if and when I let him have a say on this blog, don't fall for any story about him being named after George Gaylord Simpson, like my people say.  I think they say that just to make him feel better.  I'm sure he's named after Homer Simpson.  Whenever I can bodycheck him into a door or a wall, he says "Duh!".

I know I'm named after Charles Robert Darwin, one of my Person's most admired people, because he is always saying "Down!" to me, and Down was the name of the house where Darwin lived on the other side of the big water - which they've yet to take me to see, I might add.

OK, that's enough for today.




  1. Woof Woof Woof! (mama wants you to know that that's Izziespeak for YAYAY Darwin (and since I root for the underdogs, YAYAY Simpson, too!).

  2. Would you believe that I am just seeing this comment for the very first time, 5 years after it was written? I don't even remember setting up this blog!
